
Showing posts from May, 2018

Business Model Objectives that best describe Twitter

(Adapted University Assignment)   There are many quotes about strategy out there. For example, American academic Michael Porter once said, “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Corporate strategy is vital for any business big or small to survive. Without a plan, businesses would not achieve very much, even with the best of intentions. “If all you do is motivate, without a strategy, it’s like a warm bath. It’s nice. It’s not enough.” (Robbins 2017). In this essay, different models of co-operating strategy will be outlined for context. The selected model will then be assigned to the selected company. This will be done to help establish and identify the direction and objectives of the introduced company. Using the model, the strategy of the company will be described in detail. Finally using researched evidence, it will be investigated whether these approaches are having/have had their desired effect, or in other words are they successful.    When it comes to choosing the c

Policy Recommendations to assist in achieving the goal of getting people back to work in Ireland

In September 2015, the OECD published an overview of its report on Ireland titled  OECD Economic Surveys: Ireland overview  It suggests  “getting more people back to work is the best way to spread the gains from the recovery….. Some important policy levers for achieving this are: well-designed tax and welfare system; efficient activation policy;….. ”  (OECD 2015: 29)    You have been hired by the Irish government as an Independent Economic Consultant policy levers have been used to assist in achieving the goal of getting people back to work. Introduction As Steve Jobs once said: "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." Beyond the need to work to receive an income and survive, for many work defines who we are and our ability to be happy. This ability and getting more people back to work is vital. In Ireland like most countries, the government plays a huge role in creating an environm