I'm An Introvert, I Don't Believe We Have Met

 There is a wonderful saying that says “people come in all shapes and sizes, and they are all beautiful” A statement that we all need to keep in mind when dealing with people and forming views on them, whether we mean to do it or not.  Everybody is misunderstood at some stage. It could be from a parent, spouse, workmate, friend, sibling or mentor. More specifically groups and types of people can be misunderstood, especially in a society that is so picky about what is normal and expected. With this people can be sorted into certain groups and stereotypes. For example, some people may hear a man is gay and expect him to be very flamboyant. While others may see somebody has tattoos and assume their life has no direction. There are endless examples. The misunderstood group I want to discuss are introverts. In a world where everybody is expected to be happy and social 24/7, introverts can be seen as weird, awkward and boring. So as an introvert, I hope this piece clears up many of those misconceptions, helps you understand what’s going on in an introvert’s head in some social situations and who knows you may even relate.


Myth 1: Introverts are weird 

Introverts are weird but in the exact same way extraverts are. Nobody is “normal” People often think that introverts are strange because they do not talk as often as others. In some situations, this is true but not always. The difference between introverts and extraverts is that introverts live in their heads a lot. They often think about issues more deeply before sharing an opinion and because of that their ideas and words can be seen as a little out there. Introverts blindly accept very few “norms” and see the world in their own little way.


Myth 2: Introverts don’t like to talk

This is simply not the case. They love to talk even if they say otherwise sometimes. The difference is that introverts need a conversation that interests or challenges them. It’s not that introverts don’t like to talk, they just don’t like small talk. An introvert’s worst nightmare is getting asked “How was your weekend?” or having to talk about simple things like the weather. If you talk to an introvert about their hobbies you won’t be able to get a word in. Take this quote for example: “At least half of people who speak for a living are introverted in nature,” This is according to Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, a certified speaking professional, executive coach and author of Quiet Influence: The Introvert’s Guide to Making a Difference.


Myth 3: Introverts don’t like big social events

While it is true most introverts prefer smaller groups of people the idea that they hate going to parties or concerts is TOTAL nonsense. Introverts love going out and meeting people every bit as much as extraverts. The difference is that introverts don’t need as much as social interaction as extraverts. Both could be the life of the party while there but what you will find is that after a couple of hours introverts want to go home even if they are having a good time. While extraverts will be the first to arrive and last to leave. Introverts find social interaction enjoyable but draining emotionally and physically. They need their time alone to recharge and feel in control of their life again. While on the other hand extraverts get their energy from being around others and interacting. 


Myth 4 Introverts are shy

AGAIN!! Not always the case. An introvert won’t talk to you unless they have a reason. In other words, if they want something.  As mentioned already they hate small talk. You won’t see an introvert starting a conversation in for example a doctor’s waiting room for the sake of it. But they will interact if they have a question to ask. That’s not to say a great conversation won’t start from that. That may seem selfish to some, but remember introverts find social interaction draining. It could be easily argued an extravert is selfish for starting a conversation. Why? Because social interaction gives extraverts energy and makes them feel better about themselves. It is often argued in Economics that people are not selfish but self - interested.  People simply follow the opportunities that most interest them. 


Myth 5: Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.

First of all, everybody’s definition of fun is completely different. How many people could you name who actively enjoy every sport, genre of music and let’s go with gaming? We all have different interests. Introverts are more inclined to enjoy tasks that they can do alone for example reading or writing articles just like this. While extraverts do usually prefer parties and larger social gatherings. Obviously as mentioned above both types of people can enjoy their social and alone time. The only difference is every person on this planet has a different balance. Nobody wants to be alone or with others every minute of the day. 



So now that you understand introverts a little better here are a few signs to help you spot them. 


1.     They withdraw in crowds. In other words, at a big social event, you will find them at the edge of the room talking to only a few people. 


2.     They have nothing to say if they know they will only have a small time to talk to you. It happens if they know it’s going to only be small talk. Schedule an hour to talk with them and they won’t shut up. 


3.     They daydream a lot, so much so you wonder if they are paying attention at all. 


4.     The only thing they hate more than small talk is talking on the phone. 


5.     Introverts only speak when they feel they have something interesting to say or to ask a question. They don’t talk for the sake of talking. 


6.     They value their few close friends.


7.     They tend to end up in careers where they can be alone at times during the day 


8.     They are great listeners.  


9.     Finally, I want to finish on the note that there is nothing wrong with somebody who is introverted. They do not need to be fixed or changed. In fact in such a loud world that is always rushing, people who speak less and tend to think deeper should be encouraged. Without these people, the world would not have as many great scientists like Albert Einstein, musicians such as Christina Aguilera, actors like Emma Watson, business leaders in the form of Bill Gates and finally presidents such as  Abraham Lincoln. All of these people are well known in the public for their successes and as well as their introverted tendencies. So put that is your socially correct pipe and smoke it. 



For this piece, I’m talking entirely from my own experiences. I don’t pretend to be an expert.






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